
Individual Therapy

Individual therapy focused on your symptoms, with your goals in mind. Treatment length varies by individual, but in general many start to feel some symptom relief within 1-2 months of working together, and many feel ready to “graduate” after 3-6 months of work.

Click here to learn more about my specialties.

Therapy Groups

Sometimes all we need are a few skills in our toolkit and a little support from folks who get it. Group therapy can be a great way to get the help you need, at a fraction of the price of individual therapy.

Now accepting referrals for the following groups:

Adult ADHD Skills Group
New Mamas Process Group

Click here to learn more about each group.


Trying to figure out if your forgetfulness and concentration issues are ADHD, or something else? I’ve got you covered. I offer completely virtual evaluations from start to finish in the comfort of your home. Click below to learn more about the evaluation process:

Adult ADHD Evaluations