Skills + Process


Adult ADHD Skills + Process Group

Sometimes folks just need a few tools in their toolkit to manage some of the tricky parts of ADHD. Doing it in a group format allows for (1) increased affordability (2) validation of the struggles you face from other people who get it and (3) learning how other folks with ADHD cope and compensate in ways you might not have thought about!

ADHD Education, Time Management, Emotion Regulation, Organization, Prioritization, and Task Completion, Self-Care, and Social Skills

Group/Session Length
Six 90-minute sessions over 6 weeks

The comfort of your home! Fully virtual.

$360 ($60/session), due upfront prior to first session

New Mama Support Group

Whether you became a new mom for the first time, or you’re struggling to adjust to multiples - bringing a new life into this world comes with so many different feelings and challenges. “New” mamas, for the purpose of this group, is defined as someone who has a child under the age of 2. This group is an open and ongoing process + support group, so topics discussed largely depends on what’s going on with group members at that particular time. This group is “pay as you go” vs. paying for a set amount of sessions upfront, to allow for the flexibility that motherhood demands. 

No set schedule of topics, but typical things discussed includes role transitions, mental load of motherhood, stress, partners, postpartum depression and anxiety, joys of motherhood, and more.

Group/Session Length
60-Minute sessions, Tuesdays @ 6 PM EST

The comfort of your home! Fully virtual.

Two tiers: $60 for those who would like to “sponsor” a mama’s reduced group fee, and $30 for mamas who need a reduced fee. You decide what tier you belong to, no questions asked. Choosing the $60 fee allows me to offer the reduced rate for mamas who would otherwise not be able to afford it.