Life Transitions

“I thought these were supposed to be the best years, but I’m not happy at all. And I feel so much guilt about that.”

“I had everything planned out, but nothing has gone according to plan. I’m not sure what to do.

“I miss my family, my friends, my usual spots; I didn’t think this would be so hard but it is.”

And unexpected.

Life transitions can be tricky.

But you don’t have to navigate them alone.

A life transition can happen at any age, whether you are 23 or 63! Often you can prepare for the change all you want, but things still pop up that catch you by surprise. Therapy can be an incredibly powerful tool in helping you navigate a life transition - moving away from home, retirement, a new job, the end of a relationship - and come out thriving on the other side.

Let’s figure it out -
